The Top States for Renewable Energy Jobs in the U.S.
As clean energy jobs grow across America, where can job seekers find top renewable energy jobs?
Renewable energy jobs are on the rise! In fact, it’s a great time to consider a new career as the World Economic Forum is predicting a global green jobs boom that could see nearly 38 million employed in renewable energy by 2030.
The renewable energy transition in the U.S. is on course to create a ton of jobs right here at home, too. With unprecedented growth, investments, and incentives from favorable legislation as well as benchmark net-zero goals to reach, the U.S. market is poised to be a global leader in renewable jobs.
For job seekers looking to join the ‘green workforce’, we’ll recap which states and industries are currently hot spots for renewable jobs.
Job creation for a green workforce
The U.S. is on its way to a greener economy and workforce.
In fact, the Department of Energy reported clean energy job growth in nearly every U.S. state in 2022 and almost 300,000 new jobs added! Renewable energy jobs growth even outpaced the growth of the rest of the workforce growth by nearly 1%.
And according to the DOE, “energy jobs are expected to see continued growth in every pocket of America,” but where are the top states workers can find renewable jobs right now?
The state of U.S. renewable jobs right now
“New manufacturing in wind, solar, batteries, and electric vehicles—along with storage projects across the country— mean new, good-paying jobs for hard working Americans.”
The Inflation Reduction Act has spurred job growth across the U.S. since it became law over a year ago in August of 2022 and we saw energy jobs grow across all 50 states over the course of the year. Talk about an instant ripple effect!
Below we’ve summarized some of the most exciting areas of growth from various sources, including Climate Power’s Clean Energy Boom Report that came out this April of 2023:
- The largest growth overall in added jobs was Texas, California, and Pennsylvania (DOE).
- Texas: 50,200
- California: 21,200
- Pennsylvania: 15,200
- For solar jobs? Look to Nevada, Utah, California, Florida, Vermont and Hawaii (Las Vegas Review Journal).
- Find battery manufacturing jobs in states that have added battery manufacturing sites like:
- Michigan, Arizona, South Carolina
- States increasing their EV manufacturing capacity include:
- Oklahoma, Alabama, Michigan
- There are over 90 new renewable projects totaling $89 billion in investments, with the most new projects underway in these states:
- Georgia, Michigan, Texas: 8 projects
- Arizona: 7 projects
- Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee: 6 projects
The clean energy sectors that saw the most significant growth in 2022?
- The clean vehicle industry (hybrid, EV and hydrogen) increased by 27%, solar grew by 3.7%, wind jobs increased by 4.5% and the geothermal industry grew by 5%! (DOE)
What does this mean for job seekers?
According to BlueGreen Alliance, the inflation reduction act could create over 9 million jobs in the United States over the next decade! So, no matter where you live and work in the U.S. chances are you can find an amazing new opportunity in renewable energy.
Workers who want to transition to a renewable energy career can take advantage of state and federal programs that help provide access to renewable careers, education and training.
Are you looking for a new role in renewable energy? Get connected to great opportunities and work with a recruiter at Intelletec Energy!
Want to keep reading? Here are our sources.
- https://climatepower.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/23/2023/02/Clean-Energy-Boom-100K-Report.pdf
- https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-report-finds-clean-energy-jobs-grew-every-state-2022
- https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/energy/nevada-leads-nation-in-solar-industry-jobs-report-says
- https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/01/renewable-energy-transition-green-jobs/
- https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-report-finds-clean-energy-jobs-grew-every-state-2022
- https://www.energy.gov/policy/us-energy-employment-jobs-report-useer
- https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/site/9-million-good-jobs-from-climate-action-the-inflation-reduction-act/
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